“Carving A Life” was nominated for 13 awards at the 2018 Idyllwild International Film Festival – among them “Best Ensemble Acting”. Carving A Life, directed by AP Director Terry Ross was an almost exclusive Acting Professionally cast and we are very proud of that nomination!
Terry won the Excellence in Directing Award and Oscar Velasquez (who films the Acting Professionally showcases) won Excellence in Cinematography at Idyllwild. Additionally Carving A Life was nomianted for Best Feature at the San Diego Film awards and won Audience Choice! “One Good Day”, the 2017 LA 48 Hour Film that Terry wrote, produced and directed received the Best Supporting Actress award.
This year Terry presented the Women in Film Awards as she was last year’s winner of “Women in Film” award for her many years of coaching and teaching, showcases, and film directing. Cast member of feature film “Carving A Life (directed by Terry Ross) and AP alum Lisa Winans was awarded the 2017 Best Supporting actress award for her role in the short film “Loser”. A big night for AP!