48 Hour Film Project

Acting Professionally has added an exciting component to the advanced class curriculum.

In 2011, AP began its participation in San Diego’s 48 Hour Film Project.  Our goal for working on  the 48 hour project is to provide AP advanced actors with the valuable experience and opportunity to work on set, gain footage for their reel, and receive IMDB credit.

The 48 Hour Film Project is a wild, FUN, and sleepless weekend in which the AP team makes a movie—writes, shoots, edits and scores it—in just 48 hours.

On Friday night, the team receives a character, a prop, a line of dialogue and a genre, all to be included in the movie. 48 hours later, the movie must be complete. Then it will show at a local theater, usually in the next week.

In 2013, over 50,000 filmmakers will make almost 4,000 films in 120 cities on 6 continents around the world. Over the 11 years of 48 Hour Film Project over 19,000 films have been made by 278,000 people.

AP’s 2011 entry, “Baited Breath” was written, shot, edited and scored from August 5 – 7,

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….and later AP Team walked the Red Carpet

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In 2012, the AP team created “Wedding Hi-Jinx” over the 48 hour weekend which included a wedding and a Bollywood style dance number!




…..and walked the Red Carpet



2015 48 Hour “Pine Hills” premieres August 12 – for more information click here.